Configuring Prometheus integration

Published on March 16th, 2021


In order to use the Prometheus plugin, Roadie needs access to the Prometheus HTTP API. At the moment your Prometheus instance needs to be accessible from the internet so Roadie is able to make requests towards it.

This page describes how to set up a proxy for your Roadie instance to contact Prometheus.

Proxy configuration

Step 1: Create new proxy entry to point to your Prometheus instance

You must be an admin to be able to set up proxies.

To configure the URL of your Prometheus instance you need to create a proxy or authenticated proxy entry in your Roadie instance settings. You can find the configuration for proxies in this URL:


Prometheus plugin is using the URL /prometheus/api so you need to put that as the path for the proxy. The target will be the URL of your Prometheus instance and the path to the API of it. Additionally, you can add headers to the request, depending how the authentication is implemented for your Prometheus instance.

Prometheus proxy configuration

Alternatively if you want to forward the headers used to authenticate with Roadie automatically to the Prometheus instance, you can do the same configuration as above in the Authenticated Proxy configuration tab. This tab can be found from this URL:


Step 2: Configure your entities with Prometheus annotations

The Prometheus plugin uses entity annotations to determine what data to display. There are two different annotations that can be used:

  1. Rule annotation to visualize Prometheus recording rules and queries
  2. Alert annotation to display Prometheus alerting rules in a table format.


The ‘rule’ annotation expects a comma separated list of queries or recording rules and grouping dimension tuples. Dimension is optional and can be omitted which leads to the first label found from the returned data set to be used as the key to group items with.

The annotation supports individual metrics, promQL queries or references to a name of a recording rule. For complex queries a recording rule is the preferred option, since annotation parsing prevents the usage of characters , and | in queries.

Example annotation: memUsage|component,node_memory_active_bytes|instance,sum by (instance) (node_cpu_seconds_total)

Produces the following graphs:

  1. memUsage|component (grouping by component, otherwise __name__ would be the first item on this saved rule. Showed here as an area graph) Area Graph widget

  2. node_memory_active_bytes|instance (grouping by instance, image shows extra data on hover over a line.) Line graph with hover

  3. sum by (instance) (node_cpu_seconds_total) (instance is the grouper label defined in the query —> it is returned on the result set as the first label name, and is therefore used to group data with.) Line Graph constructed by query


The ‘alert’ annotation expects a comma separated list of predefined alert names from the Prometheus server. These are iterated and displayed in a table, displaying state, value, labels, evaluation time and annotations. To display all alerts configured in Prometheus a magic annotation all can be used.

Example annotation: 'Excessive Memory Usage'

Produces the following table. Alert table

Step 3: Configure UI components for your Roadie instance

You must be an admin to edit the UI layout. You can follow this guide to add new Cards and Tabs into your Roadie instance. There are 3 different components available for you to configure.

  1. EntityPrometheusContent (Tab)
  2. EntityPrometheusAlertCard (Card)
  3. EntityPrometheusGraphCard (Card)
