Roadie’s Blog

Backstage Weekly 59 - Upcoming Backstage talks!

By Jorge LainfiestaOctober 10th, 2022

Hi y’all! We’re two weeks away from the very first BackstageCon in Detroit. The featured talks will give you a chance to learn directly from the maintainers, do more with Backstage, and get adoption tips. If you’re not attending this time, don’t worry! All talks will be recorded and made available shortly after the conference.

Learn from the Insiders

Backstage keeps growing and expanding with contributions from dozens of teams around the world. Maintainers Patrick Oldsberg y Johan Haals, both from Spotify, will walk us through how the Backend API has evolved to support an ever-growing set of features and use cases.

Furthermore, contributor extraordinaire Eric Peterson, from Spotify, will take us through a close inspection of Backstage’s Analytics API, which can be instrumental when assessing your instance’s success and challenges.

Roadie customers now get instant updates in their Catalog when they update the YAML file of an entity, thanks to our new webhooks-based GitHub integration. Learn how we built it.

Do more with Backstage

Great, your Backstage instance is up and running. You have registered hundreds—or hundreds of thousands as Damon Kawell from HP—of entities in your Catalog. Now it’s time to reap even more benefits from Backstage. Plugin authors Jussi Hallila and Irma Solakovic, from Roadie, will show you how to leverage the Tech Insights plugin to create scorecards for your services.

Similarly, Olivier Liechti, from Avalia Systems, will walk us through data analytics and visualization in Backstage using Vega.js, a leading OSS visualization grammar.

But it doesn’t have to stop and extracting insights and generating visualizations. Taras Mankovski, from Frontside, will show you how you can use Backstage to make your own Heroku-like integrated development platform experience.

BONUS: if you stay for KubeCon too, Sidarta Aguiar de Oliveira will show you how they leveraged Backstage to create their Heroku-like platform at Grupo Boticário.

Share the journey

From driving developer satisfaction at US Bank, to leading a 10x engineering growth at Caribou, adopting Backstage can have different objectives and challenges. You’ll also learn about technical and social tips and techniques used at DAZN to keep engineers interested in Backstage.

Contribute to Backstage

Last but not least, get lighting advice from Jorge Lainfiesta (me lol) on how to become a Backstage champion at your organization with a glossary of terms that express the business value without having to go down the technical details.
And, learn about what’s behind building and contributing a Backstage plugin from Isaiah Thiessen from Telus!

Talk to you next week!

Jorge L

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