Roadie’s Blog

Backstage Weekly 56 - Filter GitHub repos, entity validation, OSS Summit

By Jorge LainfiestaSeptember 12th, 2022

Hi y’all! this week features contributions from the community in the Catalog to mitigate the rate-limits problem by filtering repositories, and an entity validator in the Catalog Client. If you are attending OSS Summit Europe this week, don’t miss out on Backstage at the event.

Exclude/Include repositories by topics on GitHub

Large organizations might have many repositories that are not relevant to Backstage, such as experiments or team-specific helpers. Thanks to marcus-crane, you can now filter which repositories will be considered by the GitHub Entity Provider based on topics. This feature can help mitigate rate limits for several adopters because it reduces the number of repos to be scanned.

Check out the PR, expect this to be released as part of @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-github soon!

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Validate entities in the Catalog Client

A /validate-entity endpoint has been available on the Catalog REST API for a while, but It was never added to the Catalog Client. Thanks to taras, you can now validate entities using the Catalog Client. This can be useful for those extending the Catalog or creating UIs for the Catalog.

Check out the PR, expect this to be released as part of @backstage/catalog-client soon!

Backstage at OSS Summit, Dublin

Check out Suzanne’s talk on Improving Developer Experience with Backstage this Thursday at 4:10pm Dublin time at OSS Summit. You can also find me, Jorge, at the CNCF Booth talking about the foundation and Backstage.

Before saying goodbye, I want to welcome Vipps and Ferrovial to the community as the most recent adopters!

Talk to you next week!

Jorge L

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