Roadie’s Blog

Backstage Weekly 52 - community milestone, new Github issues plugin

By Jorge LainfiestaAugust 15th, 2022

Hi, y’all! This week’s newsletter features a new plugin for Github issues, a new guide for customizing icons in your instance, and a milestone for converting discovery processors into entity providers.

All discovery processors are now entity providers

Back in March, the team launched an initiative to convert the existing Discovery Processors to Entity Providers, so they’d be able to issue immediate deletions and have more granular control of the update intervals. The last piece was merged last week. Very exciting to see the community at work! These are the converted processors:

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New plugin: Github Issues

Thanks to mrwolny, you can now display Github issues in entity pages to reduce context shifting. For teams and users, the plugin will show the issues assigned to them. For components and APIs, the plugin will bring up the issues to their associated repo.

Screenshot: Github issues plugin

For more information, check out the plugin’s README.

New guide: set custom icons in your instance

padupe contributed a guide to help you customize your Backstage instance by specifying the icons for Category, Search, Dashboard, and others. Check it out!

Before saying good bye, I want to welcome Isaac to the community as the most recent adopter!

Talk to you next week!

Jorge L

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